How credit repair Works


In most cases, creditors and collectors have 30 days to complete their investigations and send the results. You will receive various responses which must be forwarded to us. Based on your individual situation and responses from previous disputes, we will identify possible law violations and if warranted, we will file complaints with the state attorney general, FTC and BBB.


As part of the enrollment process, one of our trained Credit Specialists will review your credit reports and provide a consultation. The consultation is important because we want to provide advice and get feedback so we can do the best job. When the enrollment is complete, our Service Department will carefully analyze each report to determine what items will be disputed, how and on what legal basis. We will also start to see how we can leverage your current credit cards so that you can obtain more available credit.


Using our experience and consumer protection laws such as the FCRA, FDCPA, FACTA & the FCBA we create and mail a custom dispute letter to each of the 3 major credit bureaus disputing up to 45 individual items. Under Federal Law the credit bureaus are required to investigate. Each bureau is required to investigate each item by contacting the source that reported it.


If the source fails to verify the item, it is deleted. If it is updated, something has changed and if it is verified; nothing changes. Regardless of the result, each credit bureau is required to mail an updated credit report with each completed investigation.


Based on the responses from the bureaus; typically we draft up to 15 dispute letters and mail to creditors, collection agencies or any other furnisher that reported the information. Interventions include validation demands, goodwill letters, disputes and information requests. This is a time consuming and expensive process that most "credit repair" companies do not bother with however; we feel it is absolutely necessary.


You will receive updated credit reports approximately 30 to 45 days later; individually from each of the 3 credit bureaus. You may upload to your online account, email, fax or mail the correspondence received in response to our disputes. We will review the responses, transfer the results into your online account and determine what is the next course of action will be.


Based on your individual situation, previous correspondence, results and responses from all parties involved in previous disputes, we will determine the appropriate course of action and continue attempting to correct your credit reports. In most circumstances the process starts over by disputing with the credit bureaus, only more aggressively. Creditors, debt collectors and bureaus are usually resistant to conform to the law. It takes persistence and expertise to root out the inaccuracies and violations committed.


The process is repeated, tenaciously with persistence until your credit file is completely accurate and free of mistakes, duplicates and false negatives. During the process at any time, we encourage you to call us to discuss special requests such as settlement offers for recent debts that have been deemed accurate and to discuss possible credit building optimization. When we have corrected everything believed to be inaccurate, outdated, questionable or unverifiable, our service department will contact you to close your account.